Current events, challenges and perspectives on local food sovereignty and the benefits of agroecology (Review)
food sovereignty; agroecology; Urban, Suburban and Family Agriculture Program; Law of Food Sovereignty and Food and Nutrition SecurityAbstract
The contributions of the urban, suburban and family agriculture Program in Cuba were considered precedents for the development of the Law of Food Sovereignty and Food and Nutrition Security; capital current issues that affect the stimulation of knowledge towards the use of agroecological practices in the producers of orchards, yards and plots. This perspective directed the objective of the article towards the analysis of said Law based on theoretical-methodological evaluations that imply the benefits of agroecology to this end, and its implementation in Abreus territory. The conclusions are supported by the analysis of documents and criteria emanating from spaces for scientific debates, emerging a convergent idea in the use of agroecology to consolidate agriculture adapted to current socioeconomic conditions, in which the afored mentioned Program has an essential role, in order to satisfy the growing demands of the population. However, it is recognized that weaknesses persist, affecting it´s results, which can be modified from the implementation of the Law and the Regulation of Food Sovereignty and Food and Nutrition Security, taking advantage of agroecology in yards, plots and family gardens, as a viable alternative, which allows the identification of local resources available in favor of food production.
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