A study of technical assistance to rice harvesters in Yara municipality (Original)
: rice harvesting machines; productive chaining; technical assistance; technical servicesAbstract
The work was developed from January 2022 to January 2023 in the base business unit Yara Integrated Technical Services, which belongs to Fernando Echenique Grains Agro-industrial Enterprise in Granma Province, to evaluate the technical assistance which is provided to rice harvesters after a harvesting campaign. The research showed that the entity presents serious difficulties with the services provided to the harvesters due to the obsolescence of the installed machine tools, which lack cutting devices and supply of raw materials for manufacturing and recovering spare parts. It was determined that each combine harvester after a campaign, needs approximately 170 components either imported, produced or recovered either in the entity or the nation; out of them, it is necessary to import 20 items; 14 are manufactured or recovered in the country and 12 could be produced, but they are not. The main contribution is the identification of the parts, accessories and components that can be made in Cuba in order to achieve the productive chaining of the mechanical entities of the country and save imports.
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