In vitro establishment of explants of Juglansjamaicensis C. DC. (original)


  • Adrián Alejandro Díaz-Martín Universidad de Granma
  • Silvio Meneses-Rodríguez Universidad de Granma
  • José Luis Rodríguez-Sosa Universidad de Granma


Juglansjamaicensis; in vitro; threatened; explants


The work was developed in the Plant Biotechnology Center of the University of Granma with the objective of evaluating the in vitro establishment of Juglansjamaicensis explants. To this end, nodal segments and leaves collected from an 8-year-old tree were used, located in the Germplasm Bank of the Study Center, as well as nuts collected from trees from the locality of California, municipality of Buey Arriba. Three experiments were established under a completely randomized design, for 20 explants (nodal segments, leaf explants and cotyledonary explants) for each treatment and two replications. 70% alcohol, sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), mercury bichloride (HgCl2) 0.1%, 2% CuSO4 as well as 1% Mancozeb were used as disinfectants. As a result, aseptic implantation of cotyledonary explants was achieved using NaClO (0.5%) and HgCl2 (0.1%), prior to a double disinfection of the nuts using NaClO, Mancozeb and HgCl2, and breaking them by pressure. with a manual metal press within the laminar flow, and therefore the most suitable material for the in vitro establishment of Juglansjamaicensis were the cotyledonary fragments. It also contributes to the in vitro multiplication of this species for the recovery of its populations, the reduction of its category of threat and the use of environmental goods and services.

Author Biographies

  • Silvio Meneses-Rodríguez, Universidad de Granma

    Profesor Titular

  • José Luis Rodríguez-Sosa, Universidad de Granma

    Profesor Titular






How to Cite

In vitro establishment of explants of Juglansjamaicensis C. DC. (original). (2018). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 2(1), 113-124.