The diversity attention in the pshycopedagogic role (Review)



students; attention to the diversity; pshycopedagogian; educational institutions


At this time, Cuba advocates for a quality education that promotes the integral development of its students based on the humanist assumption of the human being as the center of everything. That is why attention to diversity within our educational institutions is a priority, and in which the educational psychologist plays a fundamental role in each of the stages of student development. The article assesses the role that corresponds to the educational psychologist in attention to diversity in educational institutions through the analysis of articles and doctoral theses on diversity. The sources consulted provide the examination of approaches and points of view on the importance of taking into account and attending to the diversity of adolescents in educational institutions and the indisputable role played by the educational psychologist. The writing concludes by referring to the adjustments made in the school curriculum based on the needs of the students raised in the educational project.

Author Biographies

  • Lisbeth Carmenate Arias, Centro Mixto Batalla de Guisa. Río Cauto. Granma. Cuba.


  • Misaris Abreu Vilches, Dirección Municipal de Educación. Río Cauto. Granma. Cuba.

    Licenciada. Profesora Instructora.

  • Rosa Fidelina Fernández Torres, Universidad de Granma. Manzanillo. Granma. Cuba

    Licenciada. Máster en Ciencias. Profesora Auxiliar.


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How to Cite

The diversity attention in the pshycopedagogic role (Review). (2023). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 7(1), 162-175.