Importance of the introduction of higher mathematics content at the senior hight school (Review)



creativity; knowledge management; integration; basic sciences


The use of existing scientific advances, through knowledge management, in order to achieve a comprehensive preparation of General Education students and solve the problems posed, constitutes a significant contribution to science through the systematization of investigations that have been carried out in this field of pure and pedagogical sciences and the elaboration of new theoretical constructs in this sense. It is intended to develop an integral formation of the students from the different sciences and their integration for the formation of a scientific thought. Within this training, the development of students' talent from their school community will also be promoted, offering new potential for their individual and social development, through the training of skills that will allow them to perform as members of research groups and in any field of the business field. To obtain this goal, new research and innovative proposals are needed to transform the work carried out in the Cuban General Education classrooms in order to achieve more creative children and young people, who are in tune with the advances of science and the technique, which also makes it possible for several of them to study basic sciences, an aspect of vital importance in the Cuban context.

Author Biography

  • Miguel Oscar Almarales Milán, Universidad de Oriente. Santiago de Cuba. Cuba.

    Licenciado en Matemática. Profesor Instructor.


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How to Cite

Importance of the introduction of higher mathematics content at the senior hight school (Review). (2022). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 6(4), 15-29.