Procedure for planning the development of productive units in the province of Granma (Original)
local development; development planning; Productive processes; communities; development theoriesAbstract
The term local development is one of the most controversial in the current bibliography, which hinders the development process of the communities in correspondence with the demands of the country. The objective of this document is to expose the theoretical-methodological foundations and a procedure to plan the development of the productive units in the province of Granma, which favors the development of the locality and the productive processes in the territory. It is based on theoretical and practical methods to achieve this end, among others, the existing documentation in organizations of the territory is reviewed, informal interviews with different officials and specialists of the Provincial Directorate of Physical Planning. This inquiry is carried out on the basis of the various theories of local development, through analysis-synthesis, deduction and induction with a systemic approach. A procedure adequate to the legal requirements and the main theories of local development was achieved.
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