Stimulation of the psychomotor development in children of four to five years, by means of the family orientation (Original)



stimulation; psychomotor; orientation; family


Present it investigation departs of the diagnosis of reality and contributes to giving answer to an one belonging to the problemses that at present affect the normal development of the Program Educa to your Hijo: The preparation of the family of the children of 4 that they do not help to the infantile circle, in order to stimulate the psychomotor development to 5 years of the same. His objective is : Elaborating actions of family guided orientation the stimulation of the psychomotor development of the children of 4 to 5 years from the Program Educa to your Hijo. Methods were used analysis and synthesis, induction – deduction and the systemic structural these of the theoretic level, as well as the observation, the documentary analysis and the measurement and the technical employees were opinion poll and interview, like statistical mathematical procedure the percentage calculation was used. The results concretize in actions of family orientation for the stimulation of the psychomotor development of the children of 4 5 years from the program themselves Educe to your popular piece of advice's Hijo the Valley, of the municipality Bayamo.


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How to Cite

Stimulation of the psychomotor development in children of four to five years, by means of the family orientation (Original). (2021). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 6(1), 130-139.