Sostenibility of shrimp's production in the Unidad Impresario de Base Calisur of the municipality I Laugh Cautious (Original)



climatic change; adaptation; mitigation; sostenibility; task life


The article responds to the need and the interest to maintain of sustainable way shrimp's production of cultivation in the Unidad Empresarial de Base (UEB) Calisur in front of the accelerated climatic change. The investigation accomplished in 2019 prioritizes measures and actions to raise the perception of risk, to increase the level of knowledge and the inhabitants' grade of participation and the workers in the confrontation to the climatic change, giving opportune answer to the Task Life. They expose the principal environmental problems diagnosed, that they need an attention prioritized in the intensive production of the shrimp of cultivation, food highly demanded on the market international. They gather the principal aspects once the benefits that you contribute this line in the cost-reducing social order and his impact in the local development were related to. You reveal the feasibility of the applied actions in terms of solving the identified problems and maintaining the production to short, medium and long term, making the fulfilment possible and over-fulfilment of the production schedules of the cultivation of this shellfish in the area in addition to get better and to recover the water bodies and the coastal ecosystem that has been impacted by promotion of the half level of the sea and the advance of the saline wedge at the municipality, I Laugh Cautious.

Author Biographies

  • Oscar Joaquín Ramírez Hernández, Delegación CITMA Granma. Cuba

    MSc Gestión Ambiental. Profesor Asistente. Especialista Delegación CITMA Granma. Cuba

  • Adelmis Estrada Rodríguez, Centro Universitario Municipal Río Cauto. Granma. Cuba

    Lic. en Estudios Socioculturales. Profesor Asistente. Centro Universitario Municipal Río Cauto. Granma. Cuba

  • Maira Ray González, Centro Universitario Municipal Río Cauto. Granma. Cuba.

    Lic. Educación Primaria. Profesor Instructor. Centro Universitario Municipal Río Cauto. Granma. Cuba

  • María Isabel Quezada Rojas, Centro Universitario Municipal Río Cauto. Granma. Cuba

    Lic. Psicología. Profesor Asistente. Centro Universitario Municipal Río Cauto. Granma. Cuba


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How to Cite

Sostenibility of shrimp’s production in the Unidad Impresario de Base Calisur of the municipality I Laugh Cautious (Original). (2021). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 5(2), 313-325.