Analysis of the technical performance of an aggregate for soil preparation
working speed; construction width; shift timeAbstract
The research was developed at the UBPC sugarcane Carlos Manuel de Céspedes de Bartolomé Masó in March 2020 with the aim of evaluating some of the performance of the agricultural aggregate formed by the Belarus model 1523 tractor and the Grada Baldan with 24 discs, by means of of several indicators that evaluate the efficiency of the process. The method used was the analytical investigative and the technique applied to the timing for the evaluation of the whole in the grading work for the cultivation of sugarcane in alluvial soil, taking into account the behavior of the technological - exploitative and economic indices, the main ones Conclusions were: The values of use of the construction width and of the theoretical speed are well below the recommended values. The values of the shift time utilization coefficient for the aggregate are within the range recommended by the researchers consulted, and the values of the technical performance per shift of the aggregate behaved below their technical possibilities.
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