Pedagogical model for the continuous training of cadets and tutors in the work environment. (Review)



tutor; cadet; continuous formation; job environment


The accelerated development of science and the technique in contemporaneity requires the continuous formation that takes place from undergraduate to graduate professionals, process that necessarily flows with formative support. Results of a diagnosis realized in Granma provinces reveal limitations in the tutor’s pedagogic assistance that, in the job environment, have given attention to the job component being then the researching problem: How do we improve the tutorship in the job environment of the cadets of the Interior Ministry to solve  the inadequacies that limits their professional performance? As objective, is proposed to establish a Pedagogic Model that supports a strategy for the continuous and dynamics formation of the tutors of the job environment and cadets. It were used theoretic methods (historic -logician, analysis – synthesis, induction-deduction, modeling) and empiricists (participating observation). The model includes the dialectic relation among technical formation and the pedagogic formation of tutors and among the cultural-professional management and cadets’ individual projects of life, taking the cooperative projects of scientific researching as revitalizing axis. The technical-specialized, pedagogic, politician-ideological and scientific-methodological dimensions are also implicit and in which evolution they configure links where the professional transits from a graduated professional, to instructor, educator even to be the desired tutor model.

Author Biography

  • Osmani Alcides Miranda Escalona, Órgano de Cuadros, Personal y Preparación. Bayamo, Cuba.



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How to Cite

Pedagogical model for the continuous training of cadets and tutors in the work environment. (Review). (2021). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 5(1), 229-239.