Analysis of the technical performance of a tillage tool. (Original)
working width, speed, shift timeAbstract
The research was developed at the “La Gabina” Rice Farm belonging to EAIG, Fernando Echenique. UEB 23, Provision of Comprehensive Cautious Technical Services in the period (2020/03 - 2020/04). In order to analyze through the calculation, some exploitative indexes of the aggregate formed by the Belarus model 800 tractor and the ADI - 3M plow, for the cultivation of rice (Oryza sativa L). Taking into account the coefficients of use of the working width, the theoretical speed and the shift time. The method used was the analytical investigative and the technique applied the photochronometer for the evaluation of the set in the plowing work. Taking into account the behavior of the technological - exploitative indices, the main conclusions were: The values of the Technical Performance per shift of the aggregate per shift behaved below their technical possibilities, the values of the use of the working width of the aggregate were higher than those recommended by the authors and the values of use of the working speed were lower than those recommended by the Operation Manual of the plow.
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