Contributions in the discipline of environmental chemistry for the learning of trash and recycling in students of chemistry in ISCED-Huambo (Original)



environmental chemistry; waste; recycling; teaching-learning process


Environmental chemistry is an important discipline for school curricula today because it explains the origins, transport, reactions, and effects of chemical species on water, air, soil (terrestrial) and living organisms. Large-scale garbage production and its uncontrolled disposal is now the main reason for climate change. The aim of the present work is to propose a system of classes in ways that contribute to the improvement of the teaching - learning process of environmental chemistry. The methods employed were documentary analysis and the logical history. The results show a system of classes consisting of a theoretical class, an audiovisual class, a practical class, a seminar, an experimental class, an awareness campaign to recycle the trash and a fair on recycling of garbage. Recycling and recycling of organic waste using the biodigester is an environmentally safe alternative to methane gas (commonly referred to as biogas) and a by-product that contains high added values ​​(organic fertilizer or biofertilizer). The development of the campaign has made the school community aware of ethical values, attitudes and behaviors that are ecologically correct in relation to the environment.

Author Biographies

  • Roberto Alfonso Viltres Rodríguez, Universidade de Granma

    Licenciado en Química. M. Sc. Química. Profesor Auxiliar. Facultade de Ciências Agropecuarias

  • Osvaldo José Biado Caterça, Instituto Superior de Ciencias da Educação do Huambo

    Departamento de Ciências Exactas do Instituto Superior de Ciencias da Educação do Huambo

  • Alejandro Alarcón Zayas, Universidade de Granma

    Lic. Química. M.Sc. Ciencias Agrícolas. PhD, Profesor Titular. Facultade de Ciências Agropecuaria

  • Luis Arza Pascual, Faculdade Media Superior da Unversidade “Máximo Gomez Vaez”

    Lic. Fisica. M.Sc. Física. Profesor Auxiliar


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How to Cite

Contributions in the discipline of environmental chemistry for the learning of trash and recycling in students of chemistry in ISCED-Huambo (Original). (2020). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 4, 916-927.

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