Set of actions for the improvement of the commercialization of agricultural insurance in the territory of Granma (Original)
agricultural insurance; cooperatives; risk transfer; premiums; claimsAbstract
The article addresses the insufficiencies of agricultural insurance in the province of Granma, Cuba based on its behavior in the years 2014 to 2017 and taking 2017 as the base year, the study was carried out in the three municipalities of the province with the highest growth in premiums they possess and the three that have the greatest tendency to decrease in premiums. The objective of this work is to elaborate a set of actions for the improvement of the commercialization of the agricultural insurance for the agricultural cooperatives of the territory. The main weaknesses in the commercialization of agricultural insurance were identified, which are: the poor culture of insurance that the population of the territory has, the little flexibility in accepting business with cooperatives, the lack of a strategic plan for agricultural insurance and the poor promotion of agricultural insurance. The actions designed are designed to solve the problems detected; their application in Granma is in the process of being introduced
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