Pitagoras Theorem. Didactic resources to calculate volume of regular bodies


  • Héctor Mora Silveira, Lic. Universidad de Granma
  • Félix Alberto Garcés Perdomo, M. Sc. Universidad de Granma


Theorem of Pitagoras; geometric bodies; volume; coefficient of proporcionality.


In this work is shaven an investigation about the analysis of the application of the Pitagoras Theorem to decide the volume of the regular bodies in the space, starting from the relationship existing among the areas of different geometrics figures assuming the comparatives and analogic criteria? The aim of this research is to find out of what factors depend a calculation of the volume of the geometric bodies and explore the influence of the study and application of the perspective elements over the relationship for obtaining a coefficient of the proporcionality that allow the expective results. The obtained results showed evidences of an approach to solutions that leads out teachers for aiming this objective and comprehend the need to teach tridimentional geometry based on concepts that leads students to handle rightly the mathematics knowledegment. 

Author Biographies

  • Héctor Mora Silveira, Lic., Universidad de Granma

    Licenciado en Educación en Física y Electrónica


  • Félix Alberto Garcés Perdomo, M. Sc., Universidad de Granma

    Máster en Ciencias de la Educación Mención Secundaria Básica

    Profesor Auxiliar


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How to Cite

Pitagoras Theorem. Didactic resources to calculate volume of regular bodies. (2019). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 4, 458-467. https://revistas.udg.co.cu/index.php/redel/article/view/1555