Treatment to the dysfunctions of the learning associated to the Dysfunction of Attention and Hiperactividad (TDAH) (Original)


  • Maritza Verdecia de La Paz Universidad de Granma
  • Yamisela Martínez Céspedes Universidad de Granma
  • Yusleidys Rodríguez Aguilar Universidad de Granma




The following investigation has as objective to deepen in the treatment to the specific dysfunctions of the learning (dyslexia and disgrafia) associated to the dysfunction for deficit of attention (TDAH). This investigation possesses a singular importance, since, the educational practice is demanding of an improvement in this sense. Still and when it is contradictory that the different educational levels are perfected, the existence of TDAH in the educandos of the Primary Education and of Special Education it is in increase. Of here that in this investigation they are selected like sample 4 scholars with such dysfunctions; that they are assisted by specialists of the health (Psychologists) for diagnosis of TDAH. The sample was selected in an intentional way. For the conception of the investigation methods of the theoretical level were used and of the empiric level. The results of the initial diagnosis threw the negative incidence of the TDAH in the pedagogic treatment of the specific dysfunctions of the learning


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How to Cite

Treatment to the dysfunctions of the learning associated to the Dysfunction of Attention and Hiperactividad (TDAH) (Original). (2020). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 4, 401-414.