The integrating evaluation with an inclusive approach: a proposal from the exercise in teacher training (Review)


  • Yaquelín Alfonso Moreira Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador
  • María Guadalupe Valladares González Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador


evaluation; integrative; training; inclusive; focus


The integrative evaluation is one of the topics that requires greater attention in the educational practices that the teachers develop in the initial formation of the students. At the beginning of their studies the future teacher faces new demands that can only be overcome, if teachers stimulate the appropriation of learning strategies for life where knowledge interdisciplinary and stop promoting the Identification of students by individual evaluation of each subject or discipline. The experience in the last six years of work in the initial formation of the students, allows the authors to present the conceptions and the proposal that they assume to achieve this purpose. It includes the reflection on the utilization and formative transcendence of the integrative evaluation based on the educational practices that propitiate the application of the learning strategies, as well as the generalization and transference of these, in the various activities to be developed by the teacher in training to be evaluated.


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Author Biographies

  • Yaquelín Alfonso Moreira, Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador

    Convenio Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador-Universidad de Cienfuegos

  • María Guadalupe Valladares González, Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador

    Convenio Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador-Universidad de las Artes


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How to Cite

The integrating evaluation with an inclusive approach: a proposal from the exercise in teacher training (Review). (2019). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 15(3), 119-129.