Contextualization of the teaching of mathematics in civil engineering major (Review)


  • Freddy Mendoza Brands Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
  • Miguel Escalona Reyes Universidad de Holguín


math; contextualization; training; civil engineering


The vertiginous advance and technological change in the present century, makes necessary to reinforce even more the formation in Mathematics of the professionals of the Technical Sciences; if one also takes into account the different tendencies for their teaching, and the historical insufficiencies in the learning of their contents by the students, it becomes evident that the challenges to be faced are much higher.

The engineering careers are an example of the above, you need engineers with a solid professional training, according to the needs imposed by the economic development of the modern world; for this, they need to learn the techniques and tools of modern science, as well as the knowledge of the theories and mathematical models that sustain them. In this sense, the present work is addressed by analyzing possible variants of how to reduce the insufficiencies in the teaching-learning process of Mathematics II in the Civil Engineering career of the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí.


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How to Cite

Contextualization of the teaching of mathematics in civil engineering major (Review). (2019). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 15(3), 13-24.