Most frequent mistakes in the teaching learning process of English as a foreign language (Original)
error; foreign language; grammar; learning; attitudes; communicationAbstract
When learning English as a foreign language, in the first levels of the educational system, students make mistakes at the time of expressing their ideas, feelings, points of view and opinions. For this reason, the professors of this language must find and design ways to have them adopt new teaching tactics for the different learning styles. This article deals with the mistaken strategies adopted by students and professors of English as a foreign language during the teaching learning process of the subject Integrated English Practice III, at the University of Granma, English Languages Department. The necessity of assuming the communicative approach or communicative language teaching to correct mistakes in the classroom is declared, as well as the importance attitudes have in the teaching learning process of a foreign language. Finally, the most common mistakes are stated, as well as some suggestions to avoid them.
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