Extraclass reading: an alternative to develop reading habits in multigrade school students (Original)
reading; development; comprehension; cognition; multigrade schoolAbstract
Elementary school requires ways that may enhance reading in the students in and out of class, as an indispensable means for developing knowledge and the mother tongue. However, in the education of today, this problem has not overcome yet. The empirical tools applied in rural school like interviews to teachers and directives, surveys to the learners, workshops of oral readings proved that the learners do not enjoy the act of reading, that they occasionally have limitations in the understanding of the third level that reduce their language analysis. It is well-known that reading habits are vital since early years for qualitative education; even they go as far as developing habits for comprehension that at mid and long terms contribute to higher cognitive domains. Therefore, with the mastership research that is developed, it is present different actions in and out of class contexts. These take place in schools and municipal libraries with the coordination of the families. They use technology, not only for playing, but for reading or listening to oral narrative texts or animated cartoons based on classical stories that allow the learners to appreciate the meaning that reading acquires in an increasingly manner for learning, for studying, for deepening in new knowledge, widening their lexicon, improving their writing, and bettering up their communicative competence. These reasons reveal the necessity the proficiency levels of rural teachers and the validity of the solutions given for the cognitive insufficiencies of the learners in the rural students.
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