From the indigenous community to the countryside. A teacher committed to the rural education (Original)



life history; indigenous school; rurality; rural education


Knowing the history of education and the rural school in Cauca is a challenge, since the dynamics of rural and indigenous development must be understood from the past, for this purpose the main phases of the life history of a teacher are collected. , the methodology used is a semi-structured interview with guiding questions such as: personal data of the teacher, her training, years of educational experience in the rural school, characterization of the rural school and the students of said school, narrative of her formative experience since its inception. primary education, narrative of his experience as a teacher, as a rural schoolteacher, most significant experience (positive or negative, or both), perspective of rural education for human, social and rural development in general, and student analysis to this life story or exposed experience. To carry out the analysis of the life narrative, the Atlas Ti tool is used. supported by a theoretical framework.


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Author Biography

  • Sandra Yolima Ruiz Yacumal, Institución Educativa Las Mercedes. Popayán. Colombia.

    Licenciada en Educación en la especialidad en Matemáticas e informática Educativa. Magíster en Educación. Profesora Tutora del Programa Todos a Aprender del MEN (Ministerio De Educación). Institución Educativa Las Mercedes. Popayán. Colombia. 


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How to Cite

From the indigenous community to the countryside. A teacher committed to the rural education (Original). (2023). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 19(4), 320-346.