Senses of agroecology in students of secondary vocational education (Original).



Agroecology; senses; environmental education; rural area; sustainability


This article gives an account of the research that was carried out at the Casas Bajas Educational Institution located in the municipality of Cajibío, Department of Cauca. It arose from the need for eleventh grade students to develop their agricultural work in a more environmentally friendly way, taking into account their own knowledge and thus reveal the meaning that they give to agroecology. From ethnography, observations were made to describe the practices of the students and open questionnaires to identify the importance of agroecology in their lives; In addition, it was complemented with in-depth interviews to contrast agroecology practices in the school, given the importance that agroecology has for them in their agricultural practices. After an analysis from the Grounded Theory, the following findings were generated: the community as a development of common interest, the territory as the basis of sustainability, and the importance of agroecology for the environment. In these categories it is evident that agroecology, more than a practice, becomes a political thought in which the community, the territory and sustainability integrate a set of particular knowledge and, by putting them in common, make daily practice a reflection. constant, in which environments suitable for them and future generations are built, in addition, an important aspect is the role of the teacher in the construction of knowledge that allows him to support decision-making that has an impact on the local context.


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Author Biography

  • Niny Johanna Potosi Estrada, Universidad del Cauca. Popayán, Colombia.

    Licenciada en Ciencias Naturales y Educación Ambiental. Magíster en Educación. Doctoranda en Ciencias de la Educación. Profesora Ocasional tiempo completo. Universidad del Cauca. Popayán, Colombia. 


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How to Cite

Senses of agroecology in students of secondary vocational education (Original) . (2023). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 19(4), 64-84.