Home-based education. An expression of the work of indigenous teachers during school closures (Original).
homeschooling; intercultural education; elementary school; elementary school teacher.Abstract
Multigrade education in the indigenous service in the state of Baja California, Mexico, is offered mainly in rural or peri-urban communities. In these schools, teachers must respond to institutional demands for simultaneous teaching of ethno linguistically diverse boys and girls with different levels of progress, different ages or school grades and living in marginal rural communities. During the closure of schools due to the sanitary contingency caused by COVID-19, students in indigenous schools were unable to make use of the Learn at Home strategy implemented by the federal government because they did not have sufficient technological resources. Hence, the interest arose to know what kind of actions two indigenous multigrade elementary school teachers undertook during the confinement to give continuity to the teaching-learning processes in the 2021-2022 school year. Through interviews and observation, the teaching work of the participants was investigated. Through qualitative analysis, home-indigenous education was identified as an essential element of the teaching work developed during the school closure, which was mainly based on the itinerancy of teachers and the provision of spaces for teaching and learning of students at risk of failing, dropping out of school and living in rural areas of marked marginalization.
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