A formative research project in Natural Sciences at the Alfonso Laso Bermeo Educational Unit (Original).



formative research; project; Natural Sciences; Baccalaureate


The scientific formation of students, regardless of their particular educational level, is a requirement in most countries. Educational systems declare the need to work on research, some as a curricular requirement and others as a need within comprehensive training, but worked extracurricularly. In the case of Ecuador, the regulatory documents of the unified general baccalaureate declare the scientific and integral formation of students in different spaces, despite the fact that educational practices are not always prosecuted towards these claims. In this article, the result of a research that proposes the treatment of formative research from the structuring of a project in the area of ​​natural sciences, is exposed at the baccalaureate level of an educational unit; where the integration of materials, spaces and relationships with the socioeconomic and natural environment are essential. The research carried out is interesting, as it bets on the reflective and self-reflexive character, both individual and group, typical of qualitative research; despite the quantitative logic that prevails in the structure of the proposed project. The consensus criteria of experts and participants in the structuring, allow to assert the significance and sufficiency of the project for the development of investigative skills in students, and the required scientific and technological learning.


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Author Biographies

  • Elizabeth Natali Martínez Martínez, Unidad Educativa Fiscal Alfonso Laso Bermeo. Quito, Ecuador.

    Ingeniera Agroindustrias. Magíster en Química Mención Química Física. Docente del área de Ciencias Naturales. Unidad Educativa Fiscal Alfonso Laso Bermeo. Quito, Ecuador.

  • Selena Hernández Benítez, Unidad Educativa Fiscal Alfonso Laso Bermeo. Quito, Ecuador.

    Licenciada en Educación en la especialidad Química. Docente del área de Ciencias Naturales.  Unidad Educativa Fiscal Alfonso Laso Bermeo. Quito, Ecuador. 

  • Betty Dalila Sinaluiza Vichisela, Unidad Educativa Fiscal Alfonso Laso Bermeo. Quito, Ecuador

    Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación en Ciencias Naturales y del Ambiente Biología y Química. Docente de Biología y Química. Unidad Educativa Fiscal Alfonso Laso Bermeo. Quito, Ecuador.


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How to Cite

A formative research project in Natural Sciences at the Alfonso Laso Bermeo Educational Unit (Original). (2023). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 19(3), 53-67. https://revistas.udg.co.cu/index.php/roca/article/view/3988