Formation of the juridical culture in university executives: methodological theoretic perspective for his management (Review).


  • Lisbeth Infante Ruiz Licenciada en Derecho. Máster en Dirección. Especialista en Derecho Civil y de Familia. Profesora Auxiliar. Universidad de Holguín. Holguín. Cuba.
  • Beatriz Pupo Guisado Licenciada en Psicología. Doctora en Ciencias Técnicas. Profesora Titular. Universidad de Holguín. Holguín. Cuba.
  • José Augusto Ochoa del Río Licenciado en Derecho. Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesor Titular. Universidad de Holguín. Holguín. Cuba.


methodological theoretical conception; juridical culture; step of the formation; university executives.


Before the social and organizational request of the permanent formation of the university executives, his specialization in the ideological politician, in economy, in information technology, in address is imposed and overcoat, die the transverse character of the right, in the juridical standards of general character and another one, contextualized at the University. Of mode than in the incessant quest of literature, it is appreciated than the theme of the formation of the juridical culture in the university executives Cubans, the sufficiently investigated has not been. Because exist insufficiencies or theoretic methodological breaches, the fact that they make impossible his correct step and application in praxis, the same way that the absence of a scientific conception and methodological structured of this process denote, as necessary as from the normative existent Revolution in Cuba. In consequence, a proposal of theoretic conception brings up itself methodological than contributes to the formation of the juridical culture in the university executives Cubans with his correspondent foundations. They used scientific methods, within the theoreticians for it: The inductive deductive, analysis synthesis and the systemic structural functional. Within the empiric methods and some techniques: The scientific observation, the not structured interview and the analysis of contents. As a result, get to the point the principal ideas, concepts and performances, contents this of the methodological theoretical conception proposed. Of mode than the step of his formation, a challenge of organizational character constitutes, in like manner the present-day Cuban pays tribute to the improvement of the performance of his shows and his behavior in the society.


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How to Cite

Formation of the juridical culture in university executives: methodological theoretic perspective for his management (Review). (2023). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 19(1), 242-266.