The Teaching-learning Process of Concepts of Higher Mathematics: Historical Analysis. (Review)



teaching-learning; mathematics; concept; engineering


The objective of the article is to characterize the teaching-learning process of Higher Mathematics, in general and in the teaching and learning of concepts in particular, in its historical evolution. For its execution, the methods of analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, document analysis, interview, survey and the historical-logical method were used, which allowed the establishment of criteria and indicators that made it possible to reveal the transit through different stages of the referred process in its historical evolution; It has been characterized by the use of reproductive and informative-receptive methods and traditional means (blackboard and reference books), a limited use of computer and telematic resources to dynamize the teaching-learning process and an insufficient use of their potentialities for the utilization of productive methods that motivate students in the management of their knowledge. For its execution, the methods of analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, document analysis, interview, survey and the historical-logical method were used, which allowed the establishment of criteria and indicators that made it possible to reveal the transit through different stages of the referred process in its historical evolution; It has been characterized by the use of reproductive and informative-receptive methods and traditional means (blackboard and reference books), a limited use of computer and telematic resources to dynamize the teaching-learning process and an insufficient use of their potentialities for the utilization of productive methods that motivate students in the management of their knowledge.


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Author Biographies

  • Reol Zayas Batista, Universidad de Holguín. Holguín, Cuba.

    Master en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Prof. Auxiliar.

  • Miguel Escalona Reyes, Universidad de Holguín. Holguín, Cuba.

    Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Prof. Titular.

  • Raúl Cedeño Intriago, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí (ULEAM). Ecuador.

    Master en Ciencias Pedagógicas.


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How to Cite

The Teaching-learning Process of Concepts of Higher Mathematics: Historical Analysis. (Review). (2021). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 18(1), 208-225.