Application of Active Learning in Children of Basic General Education of the Multigrade School "GuillerminaOrdoñez". (Review)


  • Silvia Navarrete Molina Escuela Guillermina Ordoñez. Azogues, Ecuador.


active learning; multigrade schools; teaching-learning; strategies


This  article is of great interest to present an innovative character to be applied in multigrade schools or unifying ones that are located in rural areas, ie vulnerable sectors where even the limited access to technological services hinders the work of teachers to maintain the same level as the central institutions that have all the services; noting this, the fact that as multigrade schools there are realities where a teacher is responsible for the entire institution exercising not only as teachers but also as a manager and like this reality the multigrades not far from the complex educational work since there are two or three teachers who share all  the years of education, this is observed in the school Guillermina Ordoñez of the City of Azogues Bayas parish, community of Nudpud, thus sustaining itself in the line of innovation and in the learning subline, based on qualitative methods as the direct observation and sustained in several sources bibliographies of  books, electronic journals, educational research duly authorized the same that contributed to the subject of study; Thus, the objective of the article is to promote active learning to enhance the skills, abilities and knowledge of students and thereby help progress in the educational process of these institutions.


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Author Biography

  • Silvia Navarrete Molina, Escuela Guillermina Ordoñez. Azogues, Ecuador.



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How to Cite

Application of Active Learning in Children of Basic General Education of the Multigrade School "GuillerminaOrdoñez". (Review). (2021). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 17(3), 582-599.