Validity problems and expert methods in special education research. (Original)



validity; expert methods; special education; educational research


The concept of validity has been explored from diverse perspectives, where the argument-based approach provides a mediation between the qualitative and the quantitative. In the case of special education research, the problem of validity is accentuated in the face of frequently small samples and in relatively complex contexts. The present work addresses this problem, taking as its center the expert methods, frequently implemented in the conclusive part of contemporary research in the educational field. Using an argument-based approach to validity, 45 doctoral theses from the field of special education are explored. The content analysis reveals a set of problems related to validity, such as the need to achieve greater coherence, internal consistency, and reliability, among other aspects. From here recommendations are established to achieve a higher degree of validity in the investigative processes.


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Author Biographies

  • Mayelín Caridad Martínez Cepena, Universidad de Holguín. Holguín, Cuba.

    Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Prof. Titular.

  • Miguel Cruz Ramírez, Universidad de Holguín. Holguín, Cuba.

    Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Prof. Titular.

  • Juan Eduardo Nápoles Valdés, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Corrientes, Argentina.

    Doctor en Ciencias Matemáticas. Prof. Titular.


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How to Cite

Validity problems and expert methods in special education research. (Original). (2021). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 17(3), 527-547.