The formation of scientific culture in the current Cuban university. (Essay)



scientific culture; training; university


The objective of this essay is to provide an approach to the theoretical foundations that support the formation of the scientific culture of professionals in today's Cuban university; To make its content more understandable and by way of experience, it is manifested how to take steps in order to achieve it, from the different substantive processes that are developed in it, with emphasis on the Palma Soriano Municipal University Center. A professional with a high scientific culture, competent, who transforms society and contributes to local development, must be consciously trained from the first years of his university career, as well as in postgraduate improvement, incorporating those elements that make it possible, which contributes to their comprehensive training, putting them in a position to contribute their knowledge to enriching the practice and proposing new alternatives for the development of society. It is concluded considering that the creation of the Municipal University Centers has been of most importance, since they are excellence trainers of scientific culture in their actions with entities, companies and communities in general.


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Author Biographies

  • Niuvis Maceo Chacón, Universidad de Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.

    Master en Ciencias. Prof. Auxiliar.

  • Mercedes Aguilar Castañeda, Universidad de Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.

    Especialista. Prof. Auxiliar.


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The Pointer

How to Cite

The formation of scientific culture in the current Cuban university. (Essay). (2021). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 17(3), 600-617.