Communal strategy for prevention the domestic violence at Flora Piojillo's neighborhood in Báguanos from an axiological perspective (Original)


  • Diógenes Hernández Bringas Centro Universitario Municipal de Báguanos
  • Margarita López Aguilera Centro Universitario Municipal de Báguanos
  • Jorge Miguel Suárez Portelles Centro Universitario Municipal de Báguanos


strategy, community, family, prevention, domestic violence


The violence among family is an I lash that it still whips to some Cuban communities. In Báguanos, the community Flora Piojillo, with 374 families, among its characteristics is, a low cultural level, not well state of housings, marked socioeconomic problems, prevalence of illicit games, robberies and alcoholism. Inside that community, he/she meets the called neighborhood The Hill of the Piojillo with 123 families and in her 32 families exist in turn, in those that he/she increases with more intensity the situation described previously. A study carried out in this community during one year, allowed to detect high levels of violence among family. For the necessity that has the community of diminishing this problem, he/she intends a community strategy that diagnoses with accuracy the causes of the violence and it proposes solutions for the same one. The present investigation has as objective; the implementation of a strategy to favor the prevention of the violence among family in the community of the neighborhood of Flora-Piojillo from a community perspective. In their realization theoretical methods are used as: historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, abstract to the concrete, inductive-deductive, systemic structural functional and empiric methods as: you interview, surveys, analysis of documents and the scientific observation. This strategy allowed to develop actions of systemic character that achieved the decrease of the violence among family in the community and it will allow the generalization of such actions to communities of characteristic similar.

Author Biography

  • Margarita López Aguilera, Centro Universitario Municipal de Báguanos


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How to Cite

Communal strategy for prevention the domestic violence at Flora Piojillo’s neighborhood in Báguanos from an axiological perspective (Original). (2019). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 3(4), 16-26.