Evaluation of phytomas e in the cultivation of Cucumber in parcel production (Original)


  • Roberto Rosell-Pardo Universidad de Granma
  • Armentina Gleibis Ramírez-Rubio Universidad de Granma
  • Manuel Dorado Reyes Universidad de Granma
  • Juan Bautista Peña Alarcón Universidad de Granma
  • Mayra Pacheco Ramírez Universidad de Granma


biostimulants; Cucumber cultivation; performance


With the objective of evaluating the effect of three doses of Fitomas E, in some morphological and productive variables in the cultivation of the cucumber in a plot, a randomized block experimental design with 4 treatments and 3 replications was used, the experiment was assembled in 4 plots, in each treatment the imbibition of  seeds was applied first 12 hours before sowing and after three days before flowering, in each plot three doses of Fitomas E were applied by foliar route (0.2 L / ha-1, 0.4 L / ha-1 and 0.6 L / ha-1) and a control was obtained. As a result,  in table # 1 can be read that (T1, T2 and T3) germinated 100% at 72 hours. In figure 1 the T3 was the best with an average of 53.14 cm. In figure # 2 the best treatment was T1 (0.2 L / ha-1) with an average male flowers of 37.3 and in figure 3 it was T3 with 8.1 of female flowers and it was observed in the figure 4 significant differences for (α ≤ 95%) among all the treatments, resulting in T3 the best yield reached with 5.35 Kg./m2, a germination of 100% of plants at 72 hours and 8.1 female flowers , was the T3 and it achieved the best economic indicators with a profitability of 135%, with 244.05 pesos of profit and a cost of production of 0.42 pesos.


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How to Cite

Evaluation of phytomas e in the cultivation of Cucumber in parcel production (Original). (2019). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 3(2), 135-148. https://revistas.udg.co.cu/index.php/redel/article/view/811