Activities for the formation of the love and respect to the martireses of the reverse location of the pipe the heifers (Original)
moral quality; love and respect; martyrs of the localityAbstract
The formation of moral qualities is of vital importance for all educators as a center of attention and activities within the Ministry of Education. The objective of this work is to reflect on the formation of the moral quality of love and respect for the martyrs of the Vuelta del Caño-Las Novillas locality through plastic education activities, by keeping in mind the declred científico problem: ¿as contributing to the fortification of moral qualities in the educational process of the área of plastic education, with enfasises in the love and respect to which goes by a roundabout way us: martireses of the location? For the realization of it, theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used. The analysis of the results demonstrates the value of the proposal since it clearly and precisely offers a set of plastic education activities, linked to the formation of the moral quality object of study. The topic objects of investigación is bearing of significant and important ideas on the formation of the love quality and respect to which goes by a roundabout way us: martireses of the location in the female child and the childrens of the preschool degree and your importance fall to the need to form in the same qualities that permit love you, respect, identify, recognize and carry out simple valuations on these martireses.
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