Recreational sports games for young people's recreation in the community (Original)


  • Ariel Benerado Gómez Vargas Universidad de Granma
  • Evelín Montero Hechavarría Universidad de Granma
  • Nidia Beatriz Acosta Tarapiella Universidad de Granma


Recreation; sports; communal; young people


The present article is heading in the fulfillment of an one belonging to the present-day requirements that today opens out in the communities, young people's recreation. The investigation assumes like objective: Guiding and developing the recreational sports activities with young people in the community, investigation you pronounce yourself in the foundation and structuring of recreational sports innovative games, the ones that reveal of coherent way his potentialities like a variant of communal recreation in terms of using the free time of young people adequately. The contents is held in two fundamental nuclei: I join theoretician and another metodológic on participation's base, making possible significant changes in the job of young people's free time, across, of the realization of the games grouped by areas, offering them several recreational options and a bigger enjoyment. It is  concluded that as a result the recreational sports games that propose  themselves, promote the youth's identity, increase the power of his self-esteem, permit them to be drawn projects of life and healthy styles as from a new option of job in one's free time.

Author Biographies

  • Ariel Benerado Gómez Vargas, Universidad de Granma

    Profesor Auxiliar, CUM Jiguaní,

  • Evelín Montero Hechavarría, Universidad de Granma

    Profesora Asistente, CUM Jiguaní

  • Nidia Beatriz Acosta Tarapiella, Universidad de Granma

    CUM Jiguaní


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How to Cite

Recreational sports games for young people’s recreation in the community (Original). (2019). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 3(1), 73-87.

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