Actions to mitigate the deterioration of the structure of the Ciénaga Forest in the UZC "Cauto Sur" (Original)


  • Karell Chala Arias Universidad de Granma
  • José Luis Rodríguez Sosa Universidad de Granma


anthropic; sampling; flora; structure; threatened


The work was carried out in the Ciénaga Forest in the UZC "Cauto Sur", Delta del Cauto wildlife refuge, with the aim of proposing mitigation actions for the anthropization of the Forest. A floristic inventory was carried out sampling the diameter and height of each tree, with a diameter greater than 7 cm, in 15 plots of 100 m2. We analyzed the richness and floristic structure of the forest as well as its diversity and conservation status. The flora is represented by 27 families, 40 genera, 40 species and 673 individuals, the most diverse families are: Leguminaceae and Combretaceae. The tree species of higher IVIE were Bucida subinermis and Bursera simaruba. An analysis of canonical correspondence was carried out in order to detect the influence of environmental variables with the distribution and abundance of species. Disturbance factors such as; logging, phytosanitary status and infestation by vines are the factors that historically have been altering the dynamics of forest regeneration and composition, causing mainly the scarcity of typical species of this forest. The actions defined to mitigate the deterioration of the Ciénaga Forest structure are centered on two dimensions: diversity protection and Forestry, to strengthen the stability of the masses and improve their structure.

Author Biography

  • José Luis Rodríguez Sosa, Universidad de Granma

    Profesor Titular



How to Cite

Actions to mitigate the deterioration of the structure of the Ciénaga Forest in the UZC "Cauto Sur" (Original). (2018). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 2(4), 106-115.