Reality indicators of the students of the Hygiene and Epidemiology Technician, Bayamo
reality indicators; teaching-learning process; family preparation; incoming students.Abstract
The task of training new generations requires the integration and coherence of all educational actions received by students, especially those who are new entrants. The objective of this article is to characterize the reality indicators of the new students of the Hygiene and Epidemiology Medium Technician career, in order to favor the work with the families in function of the accompaniment of their children in their professional training process. For this purpose, a descriptive diagnostic study is carried out, as a first approach to the psychopedagogical characterization of the students of this medium technician for the work with the families. The analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, scientific observation, survey, documentary review, descriptive and inferential statistics and percentage calculation methods were applied in order to achieve the proposed objective. The preparation of the family was achieved based on the reality indicators of the incoming students. These indicators made it possible to consolidate and systematize the values that are the basis for the transformation of the modes of professional performance in the preparation of the family, through the organizational forms of preparation of the educational institution.
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