Technological alternatives for the use of grasses, trees and shrubs in Los Rios, Ecuador (Original)
technological alternatives; trees; shrubs; introduced grasses; sustainability.Abstract
The search for technological alternatives based on the efficient use of surrounding natural resources is undoubtedly an appropriate strategy for small and medium-scale producers, aimed at promoting the sustainability of livestock systems in the tropics; hence the objective of this article was to propose technological alternatives for the use of grasses, trees and shrubs to improve family livestock production systems in the province of Los Ríos, Ecuador. For this purpose, meetings, exchanges, interviews and surveys were carried out among researchers, producers and undergraduate and graduate students of the Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo. Based on the results, economic considerations were established for the implementation of each alternative, taking into account the costs established for this activity in Ecuador. The proposed alternatives were designed based on the harmony between these processes and the ecosystem; among them, the introduction of improved species and the use of silvopastoral systems in their different variants stood out. It was concluded that, with the proposed technological alternatives, based on improving the sustainability of the farms with the efficient use of promising tree and forage resources and introduced and improved grasses in the region, the initial situation was reversed and the efficiency and productivity of the livestock systems were favored, with expected income of $ 6,742.51-7,623.73.
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