Production and chemical composition of trees and shrubs in the Los Rios province, Ecuador (Original)
tree production; shrubs; chemical composition; digestibility; family production systems.Abstract
In order to evaluate the potential of trees and shrubs used in family production systems in the province of Los Ríos, Ecuador, the study was conducted during the summer in the areas of the State Technical University of Quevedo and its Laboratory of Ruminology and Nutritional Metabolism, located in the Experimental Campus La María, located at km 7 ½ of the road Quevedo Mocache, Los Ríos, Ecuador. The species used in the livestock systems were selected for productive behavior studies; cluster analysis was carried out to group species with similarity according to productivity and nutritional value. For production and chemical composition in summer, two main components were obtained (nutritive quality and yields) with eigenvalues greater than one and which explain 76,06% of the variability among species. For the analysis of clusters for grasses, three groups were formed, obtaining the best integral results in the second and third groups. These were formed by the species Tithonia diversifolia, Gliricidia sepium, Samanea saman and Morus alba, with medium to high values in the PB, leaf/stem ratio, DISMS and EM, as well as variables in the rest of the indicators. The variables with the highest determination on the characterization of trees and shrubs were protein content, energy supply, cell wall constituents, leaf-to-stem ratios and nitrogen-to-cell wall.
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