Corporate social responsibility in the cantón of La Maná (Original)
stakeholders; corporate social responsibility; companies; strategic pillars.Abstract
Corporate social responsibility has acquired a relative and generalized importance due to the fact that corporate activities have directly or indirectly affected stakeholders, urging national organizations, both public and private, to incorporate social responsibility practices, with the objective of actively and voluntarily contributing to the dynamics of sustainable development. The research was based on a descriptive study of 140 companies registered with the Superintendence of Companies and established in the cantón of La Maná. In this sense, the four fundamental strategic pillars of corporate social responsibility were examined and the existing business development was evaluated for the study of the formulation of the process of implementation and optimization of corporate social responsibility based on its guidelines and directives. At the same time, it was proposed to understand this concept as the strategies to be developed inside and outside the organization in order to determine the degree of corporate social responsibility that the entity would be willing to assume.
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