The role of human talent management in organizational transformation: administrative perspectives (Original)
human talent management; organizational transformation; management perspectives; organizational change; organizational strategy.Abstract
This article analyzes the crucial role of human talent management in organizational transformation processes from different management perspectives. It is based on the premise that organizations seeking to adapt and prosper in a dynamic and uncertain environment must have effective human talent management that promotes the development, motivation and commitment of their employees. We seek to identify the key strategies, practices and approaches that enable organizations to maximize the potential of their human talent to successfully navigate through change processes. To this end, a systematic review of the scientific literature was carried out, including relevant articles, books and documents. The contributions of various management theories such as competency-based management, transformational leadership and organizational culture were analyzed. The findings reveal that human talent management plays a fundamental role in organizational transformation by aligning human talent with organizational strategy, fostering a culture of learning and adaptation, motivating and engaging employees, and managing change effectively. By adopting an integral and proactive approach, human talent is empowered, innovation is boosted and the organizations' capacity to adapt to the challenges of the environment is strengthened.
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