Resistance of three tomato varieties to Tuta absoluta in the Cuanza Sul region (Original)



Solanum lycopersicum; Tuta absoluta; equatorial diameter of the fruit; resistance parameters.


The tomato crop (Solanum lycopersicum L.) covers large areas and employs considerable labor. Its expansion has favored the development of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), which considerably affects its production. The aim of this article was to evaluate the resistance of IPA6, Rio Grande and Elgon tomatoes to Tuta absoluta under field conditions at the ISP-Cuanza Sul Academic Station 2. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with three blocks and three replications. It consisted of nine mini-greenhouses measuring 1.70 x 1.70 x 1.70 m separated from each other by 0.8 x 0.8 m; where the five 5-liter polyethylene pots containing a mixture of soil, sand and organic matter were placed. The total area of the experiment was 98 m² and the useful area was 15.3 m²; there were a total of 45 plants at a ratio of 15 plants per variety and one plant per pot with a spacing of 0.4 x 0.4 m. There were significant differences in the averages of the Resistance parameters of T1, T2 in relation to T3, in terms of the number of leaves scraped and the number of leaves pierced. There were no significant differences in the other parameters. The averages of the yield parameters differed significantly in the equatorial diameter of the fruit between treatments T3 and T1 and T2. The IPA6 and Rio Grande varieties proved to be more resistant to Tuta absoluta attack. Elgon was the least resistant.

Author Biographies

  • Francisco Sirilo Lissimo, Instituto Superior Politécnico de Cuanza Sul. Sumbe. Província, Cuanza Sul. Angola

    Licenciado em Agronomía. Mestre em Proteção de Plantas. Professor Assistente.

  • Joel Fausto Eculica, Instituto Superior Politécnico do Cuanza Sul. Sumbe. Província, Cuanza Sul. Angola

    Licenciado em Agronomía. Doutor em Proteção de Plantas. Professor Auxiliar.

  • Alain Ariel de la Rosa Andino, Instituto Superior Politécnico do Cuanza Sul. Sumbe. Província, Cuanza Sul. Angola

    Engenheiro em Mecanização Agropecuária. Doutor em Ciências Técnicas Agropecuárias. Professor Catedrático.


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How to Cite

Resistance of three tomato varieties to Tuta absoluta in the Cuanza Sul region (Original). (2024). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 8(3), 199-217.