Incidence of Tuta absoluta (Lepidóptera: Gelechiidae) in tomato crops in Cuanza Sul province (Original)



phytosanitary, plant protection, South American tomato pinworm; Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.


In the last decade, tomato plants have been severely attacked by Tuta absoluta, becoming one of the most common and occurrence pests in the crop, attracting attention due to the form of attack and dissemination. The present article aimed to evaluate the incidence of Tuta absoluta on 6 tomato varieties in the experimental field of the Instituto Superior Politécnico do Cuanza Sul. The test was controlled under open field conditions in the experimental plot, from May 2020 to September 2021 in two different cycles. The experimental design was randomized blocks in a scheme of six treatments (varieties) T1 (Marmande, Rodade); T2 (Cal J, Rio Grande); T3 (Elgon, Peto 86); T4 (Cereja, Roma); T5 (Variedade Local, IPA6); T6 (IPA6, Variedade Local) and three repetitions. Was assessed the phytosanitary parameters (simptoms, % of leaves attacked, virulence, damage to the plant and severity); vegetative parameter (plant height) and productive parameters (number of bunches, number of fruits per bunch, fruit diameter, fruit weight and productivity). Tuta absoluta had an incidence in both cycles, in the first there were several causing the death of the plants. In the second cycle there was a similar attack in all varieties without, however, preventing production. The T3 treatment obtained better results in the productive parameters, except in the diameter variable. It is concluded that the Tuta absoluta had an incidence of attack in all varieties, however the T3 variety was the most productive.

Author Biographies

  • Joel Fausto Eculica, Instituto Superior Politécnico do Cuanza Sul. Angola.

    Licenciado em Agronomía. Doutor em Proteção de Plantas. Professor Auxiliar. 

  • Alain Ariel de la Rosa Andino, Instituto Superior Politécnico do Cuanza Sul. Sumbe. Província Cuanza Sul. Angola.

    Engenheiro em Mecanização Agropecuária. Doutor em Ciências Técnicas Agropecuárias. Professor Catedrático.

  • Laurindo Chambula Ladeira, Instituto Superior Politécnico do Cuanza Sul. Angola.

    Licenciado em Agronomía. Mestre em Agroecología. Professor Assitente.


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How to Cite

Incidence of Tuta absoluta (Lepidóptera: Gelechiidae) in tomato crops in Cuanza Sul province (Original). (2024). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 8(2), 192-211.