Logical Didactics for the Scientífic-Professional Formation on Pedagogical Majors (Review)


  • Rafael Angel Martínez-Piña Universidad de Granma
  • Victoria Elvira Torres-Moreno Universidad de Granma


Scientific and professional formation; problematize; theorize; assess


Departing from the analysis and Didactic considerations in reference to the scientific –professional formation and the limitations found in this process; the article is based on a logical which makes possible to better up the scientific formation. This research also supports the professional preparation of the future professors to develop their Scientific and professional abilities according to the particularities of the institution where they are located. One main characteristic is the logical foundation for the Scientific-investigative abilities: problematize, theorize and to assess the reality on this type of career. It also favors the previous conditions for its application on the different levels of education through the future professionals.

Author Biographies

  • Rafael Angel Martínez-Piña, Universidad de Granma

    Profesor Auxiliar

  • Victoria Elvira Torres-Moreno, Universidad de Granma

    Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Profesora Titular



How to Cite

Logical Didactics for the Scientífic-Professional Formation on Pedagogical Majors (Review). (2018). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 1(3), 155-165. https://revistas.udg.co.cu/index.php/redel/article/view/421