Logical linguistic training by means the study of the concept derived in the Mathematic Discipline (Original)


  • Lourdes Concha-Yero Universidad de Granma
  • Andrés Cutiño-Reinaldo Universidad de Granma
  • Manuel Peña-Chávez Universidad de Granma


Training, logical-linguistic training, logical thought, linguistic formation


One of the essential objectives of the education in Cuba is the development of the logical thought. The correct conduction of its formation and development guarantees the students' cognoscitive independence, preparing them to direct their own learning.  All this answers to the purpose to prepare competent professionals capable to carry out investigations and to create in their area of performance. To achieve this so significant aim it is Mathematics the subject that is recognized as a basic support. The inadequate methodological treatment to the formation of mathematical concepts in the different teaching levels is considered by the authors of this work as fundamental cause of the insufficient development of the logical thought of the students. In searching of united solutions to benefit the development of the logical when carry out the teaching-learning of Mathematics, different actions of logical linguistic training with students of the first year at Granma's University have been developed, all of them constituting in didactic experiences. The content approached the exposed experience is the interpretation of the derivative related with an elemental property of the slope of a straight line. The analysis and the generalization of such a property, of easy understanding for the students, allow that the students acquire a general culture related to the application of the derivative in different areas of knowledge, and construct an application of this important concept to the field of their profession. Practical activities through which actions of logical linguistic training were developed are proposed.

Author Biographies

  • Lourdes Concha-Yero, Universidad de Granma

    Profesora Auxiliar

  • Andrés Cutiño-Reinaldo, Universidad de Granma

    Profesor Auxiliar

  • Manuel Peña-Chávez, Universidad de Granma

    Profesor Asistente



How to Cite

Logical linguistic training by means the study of the concept derived in the Mathematic Discipline (Original). (2018). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 1(3), 71-85. https://revistas.udg.co.cu/index.php/redel/article/view/412