Analysis of the index of danger of forest fires in an area of the Granma Park belonging to the Bayamo Silvicultural Business Unit (Original)
fires; forest; fuel load; hazard indexAbstract
This work was carried out in an area of the Granma Park belonging to the Bayamo Silvicultural Business Unit, with the objective of evaluating the fire behavior factors. A variant of the Planares Intersections method was used to measure the combustible material in 6 sampling points of 40 x 40 meters for two quadrants, the climate, the topography and the combustible material were evaluated, and the forest fire hazard index was determined for that area. The inclination of the terrain suggests that the rate of propagation of the fire will be high and the number of dead trees will be considerable. The woody material analyzed determines the fuel load by occupying 69% of the total, which means greater effort to reduce this fraction for both quadrants. This fraction conserves 0,28 t / ha of carbon, which could be released into the atmosphere during a fire. The quadrants studied show a high danger, therefore, it will be in them where special attention will have to be paid, both from the point of view of the execution of works related to the reduction of the dangerousness of the forest, as well as the allocation and distribution of means fire protection.