Population Structure and Space Distribution of Byrsonimacrassifoliain the Community of Peralejo, Granma Province (Original)


  • Elisandris Ortiz-Alarcón Universidad de Granma


Population; structure; distribution; space


The study was carried out in the community of Nance, with the aim of characterizing the population structure and spatial distribution of the species crassifoliaByrsonima(L.) H.B.K. In 100 m 2 plots, a horizontal and vertical structural analysis was performed, the ecological importance value index, size and diameter distribution, and spatial distribution were calculated using the dispersion index as well as Poisson distribution. In addition, the means of each variable were calculated; the normality of the data was verified using the Shapiro-Wilk fit test, transforming them into Ln (x) to analyze the frequency of individuals in each diameter class and the length and width of the leaves, Association of individuals in different size classes with each other and with the environment. 75% of all individuals were concentrated in the first class of size: <20 cm, whereas 25% of the individuals occupied the upper classes. Also the largest distribution of individuals is in the initial diametric class (5- 10.9 cm), indicating that the seedlings are in greater proportion than the adults, as well as that the vegetation has suffered perturbations in the past. The methods used showed an aggregate spatial distribution pattern for B. crassifolia. The soils of the study area were classified as fersialitic and brown with carbonates, where the individuals are adapted to edaphic conditions of less nutrient availability.



How to Cite

Population Structure and Space Distribution of Byrsonimacrassifoliain the Community of Peralejo, Granma Province (Original). (2018). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 1(3), 17-27. https://revistas.udg.co.cu/index.php/redel/article/view/408