Quality of life of the elderly in the Popular Council La Seis, Cauto Cristo (Original)



elderly; life conditions; quality of life; population aging


The article is the result of an investigation about aging and the circumstances that condition the quality of life of the elderly in the Cuban rural context of La Seis, Cauto Cristo Municipality, Granma Province. The topicality, interest and importance of the subject for actors and researchers is due not only to the recognition that it entails to notice the growing trend of population aging, but also for its practical utility with a view to improving the practices of social policies in this context. So the research had as objective: to determine the conditions and quality of life of the elderly of the La Seis Popular Council of the Cauto Cristo municipality, Granma province, with a view to the construction of a set of actions that contribute to improving the quality of life of this age group. The research was based on a qualitative methodological conception that articulated the qualitative and quantitative, and methods and techniques such as the questionnaire, scientific observation and the interview were used in the process. The main result was a set of actions to improve the conditions and quality of life of the elderly. In conclusion, when there are changes in the living conditions of the elderly, which involve families, actors and institutions that must offer care to them, benefits will be obtained in their quality of life.

Author Biographies

  • Liliana Esther Solano Téllez, Centro Universitario Municipal de Cauto Cristo. Universidad de Granma. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba.

    Licenciada en Educación Preescolar. Profesora Instructora.

  • Alisa Natividad Delgado Tornés, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba.

    Licenciada en Ciencias Políticas. Doctora en Ciencias Filosóficas. Profesora Titular.


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How to Cite

Quality of life of the elderly in the Popular Council La Seis, Cauto Cristo (Original). (2023). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 7(2), 49-62. https://revistas.udg.co.cu/index.php/redel/article/view/3912