Historic tendencies of the oral expression in English in the pre-university Cuban (Review)
communicative approach; oral expression; english; methods; proceduresAbstract
You discuss a subject matter of great importance for the present-day education in the present article, which is related with the process of teaching learning of the English subject of study with emphasis in the oral expression in the pre-university Cuban. You aim at determining historic tendencies of the oral expression in the English subject of study in the referred educational level. They examine themselves and they synthesize the principal evolutionary aspects that characterize the treatment of the oral expression. You become established like period for the realization of the study that 1990-1991, to the course understands the introduction of the telling focus in the didactics of the above-mentioned subject of study from the course, 2020-2021. In like manner, it splits in three stages for which indicators are established. An interpretative focus is assumed and they utilize methods like: The documentary analysis, the interview, and the testimony and informants keys. Learning of the English subject of study as a result manages to determine historic tendencies of the process of teaching itself with emphasis in the oral expression.
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