Effect of efficient microorganisms on tomato production in two sowing periods (Original)
Solanum lycopersicum; bioproducts; fertilization; farmingAbstract
Efficient microorganisms contribute to the achievement of higher production of agricultural systems on a sustainable basis. That is why the objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different doses of the Melab bioproduct, made from Efficient Microorganisms, on tomato production. The experiment was carried out in the open field conditions in agricultural areas "Liliana Dimitrova" Horticultural Research Institute located in Quivicán, Mayabeque, during two crop sowing periods, optimal and medium late. The tomato variety for fresh consumption ´Daniel´ was used. Three treatments were studied: T1. Control, T2. Melab 10 mL.L-1 and T3. Melab 50 mL.L-1. The variables evaluated were: plant height (cm), stem basal diameter (mm) and plant width (cm) at 30, 45 and 60 days after transplantation and yield (t.ha-1). The results obtained demonstrate a great agrobiological effectiveness of the product at a dose of 10 mL.L-1 from the stimulus caused in the growth, development and yield of the crop.
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