Psychological intervention based on mindfulness for the development of the self-confidence in male judo cadets (Review)



self-confidence; judo; psychological preparation; mindfulness


Psychological preparation occupies a significant place in the performance of athletes due to the undeniable role of psychological variables in coping with training and competition. Among them, self-confidence is pointed out as a variable with a marked influence on sports performance and a fundamental characteristic of successful players, so promoting their development in the context of the psychological preparation of judo athletes is of vital importance. Currently, psychological intervention in the sports context is open to the use of mindfulness as a third-generation cognitive-behavioral technique, due to the benefits and utility it provides for the athlete. Hence, the objective of the research is to develop a plan of psychological actions based on mindfulness that favors self-confidence in male judo cadets of the Eide “Capitán Orestes Acosta Herrera” in Santiago. The importance of this study lies in the theoretical-methodological systematization of the elements addressed in the subject and in reflecting the relevance of the use of mindfulness in psychological preparation to enhance the development of self-confidence.

Author Biographies

  • Geidy Rodríguez Marzo, Centro Provincial de Medicina Deportiva. Santiago de Cuba. Cuba.


  • Hilda Rosa Rabilero Sabates, Universidad de Oriente. Santiago de Cuba. Cuba.

    Licenciada. Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesora Titular.


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How to Cite

Psychological intervention based on mindfulness for the development of the self-confidence in male judo cadets (Review). (2022). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 6(3), 146-162.