Rural tourism, an alternative for the economic and social development of the Niquero municipality (Original)



rural tourism; growth; quality of life; natural attractions; community


This research aims at designing an action plan to promote rural tourism development in the "Chino Díaz" farm in the municipality of Niquero. The dialectical-materialist method will be used as a general method as a research procedure to study the phenomenon in all its magnitude, constant movement, change and development. This will be complemented with the use of theoretical level methods such as the ascent from the abstract to the concrete to analyze the essence of the phenomenon studied and its concrete manifestations; the historical - logical, in order to analyze what has been done in the municipality in terms of rural tourism in respect to local development; analysis - synthesis, to obtain a broader understanding and vision of the object of study; the inductive - deductive, for the use and treatment of data. The Empirical methods: participant observation, interviews with producers of the farm under study and survey of municipal managers. A detailed documentary review will also be carried out, based on the consultation of the country's tourism policy. As a main result, an action plan will be obtained that will favor rural tourism in the "Chino Díaz" farm with the use of the rustic restaurants and the tour of the different areas of it, which borders the sea, for the enjoyment of nature, the productive culture and the connection with the community.

Author Biographies

  • Irina Dailin Rosa Fonseca, Centro Universitario Municipal Niquero. Universidad de Granma. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba.

    Licenciada en Sociología. Profesora Asistente.

  • Rubén Villegas Chádez, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba.

    Licenciado en Economía Política. Doctor en Ciencias Económicas. Profesor Titular.

  • Yolami Rosa Naranjo Aroche, Órgano del Poder Popular. Niquero. Granma. Cuba.

    Licenciada en Economía. Master en Dirección.


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How to Cite

Rural tourism, an alternative for the economic and social development of the Niquero municipality (Original). (2022). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 6(3), 42-60.