Transformational leadership for development in the management of the educational institutions of Camaná (Review)



leader; transformational leadership; management; educational institutions


Starting from considering the importance of leadership and the recognition of the role of transformational leadership for management in the contemporary context, the work was directed to analyze the theoretical aspects that support the exercise of transformational leadership to contribute to the improvement of the management of institutions. schools in the province of Camaná, in Peru. The study was based on theoretical methods: analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction, as well as empirical methods: participant observation, documentary analysis and expert consultation, which allowed revealing aspects related to the development and evolution of leadership theories, their characteristics and potentialities for the management of the educational institutions of the province of Camaná based on their particularities, results that offer theoretical guidelines for the deployment of transformational leadership in the educational institutions of the territory and identify the particularities of this leadership in the educational context and how It can influence the improvement of management and the elevation of educational quality, an essential commitment of the teaching function in favor of local development.

Author Biography

  • Dámazo Sabino Mejía Antacabana, Escuela de Educación Superior Pedagógica Pública “La Inmaculada”. Camaná, Perú.

    Licenciado. Máster en Ciencias.


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How to Cite

Transformational leadership for development in the management of the educational institutions of Camaná (Review). (2022). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 6(2), 191-210.